Live music tutor reviews
Live music tutor reviews

live music tutor reviews live music tutor reviews

“They are fine for business situations, but they were not designed with some of the unique requirements of the classroom,” said Gee. Some virtual schools are using online business-based solutions such as Zoom, Skype, GotoMeeting, Blackboard, and Canvas, which are not curriculum based. Platform complies with the Child Online Privacy Protection (COPPA) and Heath Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA).Successful music therapy pilot at the Veterans Administration Hospital.Proven quality in more than 60 schools and districts across the United States.

live music tutor reviews

Schools and studios can license the curriculum and keep their branding, instructors, students, and pricing.Special instruction can be offered with multiple views and split screens.Lesson can be recorded by teachers and played back by students.Administrators can monitor classes and curriculum for quality control.“The difference between our platform and the business apps is that Live Music Tutor can provide for individual or group instruction in interactive environments very similar to live classrooms,” he said. “Our technology and platform are transferable to core subjects such as English, math, and science, as well as verticals including cooking, languages, fitness and yoga,” said Ted Gee, president of Austin-based Live Music Tutor. Unlike business apps that are designed only for video conferencing, Live Music Tutor was designed from the ground up to provide the curriculum resources and interactive tools teachers and students need, such as recorded sessions that students can review any time. Teachers and students who are looking for a robust educational app to improve their distance learning classes are turning to Live Music Tutor, an online learning platform and also newly released apps that has helped more than 50,000 K-12 schools and music students learn their lessons in public school classrooms as a supplement to music programs or at home with many of homeschoolers, virtual and charter schools while their teachers are from around the world.

Live music tutor reviews